The People’s Priorities

A Vision for a Brighter Future – a manifesto created by the people!

Farooq’s campaign is built on the foundation of community engagement, transparency, and a commitment to social justice. This grassroots movement is driven by the belief that real change starts from the ground up, with the voices of everyday people at its heart.

On Tuesday 18th of June 2024, Farooq hosted a people’s assembly at Easton community centre, in the Bristol East constituency. He asked the people what was important for them and what they wanted Farooq to focus on. This is how we intend to transform our political system. Normally politicians come to you with a manifesto asking for your vote. Farooq’s campaign is the exact opposite. He is asking you the people what is important to you and what you want him to prioritise. This is the first of many people’s assembly that Farooq will be hosting regardless of the outcome of the election.

The priorities identified by the people at the first assembly were as follows:

A Future Rooted in Community, Equity, and Sustainability

Farooq’s campaign is built from the ground up, driven by the power and voices of our community. At its heart, our campaign is a response to the pressing issues we face today: the erosion of public services, the climate emergency, and the struggle for affordable housing. Farooq believes in a future where every individual has access to the services and support they need to thrive, and he was asked to stand firm against the forces of austerity and privatisation that undermine our collective well-being.

Opposing Cuts and Privatisation of Public Services

Farooq is committed to protecting and enhancing our public services. The relentless cuts and creeping privatisation of essential services have left too many without the care and support they need. Farooq pledged to the meeting to advocate for:

  • Halting and reversing the privatisation of public services, ensuring they remain fully public and accountable.
  • Increase funding for critical services, including healthcare, education, and social care, ensuring they are adequately resourced to meet the needs of all.

Action on the Climate Emergency

The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our time. Farooq recognises the urgent need for bold action to protect our planet and secure a sustainable future. He was tasked to support plans that include:

  • Implementing ambitious climate policies that reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy.
  • Investing in green infrastructure and public transport to create jobs and reduce environmental impact.
  • Supporting community-led environmental initiatives and ensuring that climate justice is central to his approach.

Supporting Improved Youth Services

Our youth are the future, and it is imperative that they have the support and opportunities they need to succeed. Farooq will:

  • Expand funding for youth services, providing safe spaces and resources for young people to learn, grow, and thrive.
  • Promote programs that offer education, training, and employment opportunities for young people.
  • Ensure mental health services for youth are accessible and adequately funded.

A Fully Public NHS

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Farooq was asked to be dedicated to restoring and strengthening the National Health Service (NHS) to its founding principles:

  • Oppose any form of NHS privatisation and bring outsourced services back into public ownership.
  • Increase investment in the NHS to reduce waiting times, improve patient care, and support healthcare workers.
  • Ensure that healthcare services are comprehensive, from mental health to primary care, and accessible to all.

Affordable, Secure Homes for All

The People’s assembly stated that the housing crisis is a blight on our society, with too many people unable to afford a decent home. Farooq’s campaign will support:

  • Building affordable, secure homes to meet the growing demand and reduce homelessness.
  • Implementing rent controls and tenant protections to ensure housing stability.
  • Supporting sustainable development that prioritises community needs and environmental considerations.

Together, For a Better Future

Farooq’s campaign is more than a political movement; it is a call to action for every member of our community to come together and work for a fairer, greener, and more equitable society. By championing these causes, Farooq is not just seeking election; he is striving to create a future where everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity, security, and hope. Join us in this grassroots campaign to make our vision a reality